Adopt an olive tree!

“The olive tree is a symbol. It symbolises peace, of course, but also longevity and hopefulness. But these trees also bear witness to our history, to every living thing – past, present and future – on the hillsides of the estate. Many of these trees beheld my brother, my sister and me running around when we were kids. And I’ve always felt that they are watching over us.”



Of olive trees and men…

On the estate we have 8,000 olive trees covering nearly 45 hectares.
They protect our vines, and our vines protect them. Each year, the same farmers harvest our olives in pairs, working together season after season. Once trained, they are assigned a field of olive trees that they tend every year.

The important dates in your life deserve a commitment.

We offer you a unique chance to be part of our adventure and support what we do.

You can now adopt a noble olive tree at La Fattoria. The tree will bear your name, and you will also receive a certificate, an invitation to stay with us, and exclusive benefits in our online shop. You will even be able to follow your olive tree’s development over time, and find out all about the oil it yields.

Adopting an olive tree is an important symbolic gesture of support for nature. It also marks your attachment to our philosophy, our values, and our everyday dedication to our work.

Offer yourself to a little piece of Tuscany!

Whether to celebrate your birthday or simply to treat yourself, this is a great opportunity to give nature a helping hand.

Every month, a letter from an incredible wine for you.